Cable Para Iphone Ginga Go17Cab02Iph-Pg Color Gris 1 Metro Ver más grande

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Cable Para Iphone Ginga Go17Cab02Iph-Pg Color Gris 1 Metro


Cable Para Iphone Ginga Go17Cab02Iph-Pg Color Gris 1 Metro

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$ 0

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Texto de marketing Carga y transfiere datos y sincroniza tu iPhone, iPod o iPad. Alta calidad, velocidad y eficiencia de carga. Fácil de usar. Cable de gran durabilidad que no se enreda. Especificaciones Características Conector 1 This is the first connector in the device. Lightning Conector 2 This is the second connector in the device. USB A Factor de forma de conector 1 Derecho Factor de forma de conector 2 Derecho Características Color del producto The colour e.g. red, blue, green, black, white. Azul Versión USB Universal Serial Bus (USB) is an industry standard developed in the mid-1990s that defines the interface used for connection, communication and power supply between computers and electronic devices. Every new version - for example 1.1, 2.0, 3.0 - is much faster than the previous one. USB 2.0