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Texto de marketing
CARGA RÁPIDAGracias a su transferencia de 2.4A podrás cargar tus dispositivos USB Type C a gran velocidad. No importa si tienes una tableta, un Smartphone u otro dispositivo, el CAB-123 es para tí.HECHO PARA DURARCable con recubrimiento de nylon de 1m o 2m respectibamente de longitud, un cable apto para cualquier situación.DATOS A TODA VELOCIDADBrinda transferencia de datos y carga al mismo tiempo. Transfiere datos hasta a 480Mb/s.CONECTOR BIDERECCIONALUna de las grandes ventajas de los conectores USB Tipo C es que puedes enchufarlo de cualquier manera.
1 ano
Folleto (pdf)
User manual (pdf)
Longitud de cable
How long the cable is.
2 m
Versión USB
Universal Serial Bus (USB) is an industry standard developed in the mid-1990s that defines the interface used for connection, communication and power supply between computers and electronic devices. Every new version - for example 1.1, 2.0, 3.0 - is much faster than the previous one.
USB 2.0
Conector 1
This is the first connector in the device.
Conector 2
This is the second connector in the device.
Género del conector 1
The gender of the first connector of the product. Each half of a pair of mating connectors is assigned the designation male or female, the part bearing one or which fits into another being called male.
Género del conector 2
The gender of the second connector of the product. Each half of a pair of mating connectors is assigned the designation male or female, the indented one or the one fitting around the other being called female.
Factor de forma de conector 1
Factor de forma de conector 2
Color del producto
The colour e.g. red, blue, green, black, white.
Cantidad por paquete
1 pieza(s)